This is a blog set up for those who have read Half-Blood Prince and want answers to some very important questions that will help explain Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.Potter Analyst bringing you potter news when you want it.


Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Lightning Struck Tower

What about Dumbledore and what happened on the Lightning Struck Tower. Is Deathly Hallows referring to that as one of the Hallows? We don't know now butwe will later...

Hermione's Parents

We here very little about them... will they be key to the plot in DH? no one knows for sure but I think that they could be killed off farely quickly by J.K. it would dampen Hermione's spirits and that would be good for Voldemort wouldn't it? To kill someone close to someone who is helping Harry would be good for Voldemort right? Well we don't know but maybe they could be the secret to unlocking more about Hermione we could still find out more about her. They could definetly be important in DH but we can't be sure this is just another one of my theories.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Emmeline Vance

In OotP we hear about Emmeline during the flight to Grimmauld Place. We also hear of her only one other time through the entire series... when she dies. Snape tells Bellatrix in HBP that he led Voldemort with his information to the recent capture and murder of Emmeline just around the corner of the Prime Ministers offices. when we hear that we think of three things... 1.) what was she doing there? 2.) Why would Snape tell Voldemort information to lead to the capture and death of a member of the Order? 3.)Is Snape really on the Order's side then or did he fake Emmeline's death? We won't know until book 7 but I don't think that we heard the end of her in fact she could be the one major (hidden) clue that lets us guess where Snape's loyalty truly lies. We don't really know but she could be the answer.... more on her later.

Anybody see a wand just laying around?

did anybody ever think about maybe what happened to Dumbledore's wand? Who in their right mind would forget about a wizard such as powerful as Dumbledore and didn't snap his wand in fact the wand isn't even mentioned after Malfoy just disarms Dumbledore. Why is this? Earlier in the book though Hagrid and Slughorn are singing a song that has to do with a wizard dying and breaking his wand in half and laying it in the casket to be buried with. What is up with that and then just not even mention it in Dumbldore's funeral? There is something fishy going on here. Something that we don't know. I think we can expect a huge surprise in the Deathly Hallows about what is going to happen.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Harry Potter 7

The new title for Harry Potter 7 is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows J.K. Rowling put this on her website on December 21, 2006 Thsi is extremely important because now this will bring up more discussions about what will happen in the seventh and final novel of the beloved series.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Defense Against the Dark Arts situation

From www.dumbledoreisnotdead.com Every Hogwarts year that is in the Harry Potter books so far it stands out planely that there has been a different Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher each year.
Fred told Harry ... "Dumbledore was having real trouble finding anyone to do the job this year." "Not surprising, is it, when you look at what's happened to the last four?" said George. "One sacked, one
dead, one's memory erased, and one locked in a trunk for nine months," said Harry, counting them off on his fingers. "Yeah, I see what you mean." (OotP pg 161/146)
And in Half-Blood Prince, Harry, Ron and Hermione talk about this again when they are surprised at the sorting feast that Snape
will be DADA teacher that year:
"Well, there's one good thing," [Harry] said savagely. "Snape'll be gone by the end of the year." "What do you mean?" asked Ron. "That job's jinxed. No one's lasted more than a year...Quirell actually
died doing it..." (HBP pg 167/159)
Ironically, it turns out, Harry was literally right. When Tom Riddle returned after a ten year absence to again request to be a teacher at Hogwarts, Dumbledore rejected him, and upon Harry's questioning, Dumbledore gave us some important clues into the Hogwarts DADA teacher situation:
"Was he after the Defense Against the Dark Arts job again, sir? He didn't say..." "Oh, he definitely wanted the Defense Against the Dark Arts job," said Dumbledore. "The aftermath of our little meeting proved that. You see, we have never been able to keep a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for longer than a year since I refused the post to Lord Voldemort." (HBP pg 446/418)
So, Dumbledore himself is admitting he knows that Voldemort cursed the DADA teacher job. This means he knew about the curse when he assigned Snape to the job this year. But he never intended Snape to be in the job for longer than a year to begin with, as his plan for Snape to
kill him and flee at the end of the year must have already been in place.

Dumbledore? Mysteries and theories.

Many people believe that Dumbledore is dead and that is it. No more. Harry will have to survive without his help. Others believe that Dumbledore is still alive. There are many theories on this but really I think that there is something that J.K. didn't bring to our attebtion. She hid it between the lines of reading and because many people were so shocked at what had happened at the end of the book that people missed what was happening behind it all. all of this will be explained in book 7 but do we really want to wait that long? For those of you that believe that Dumbledore is dead. There is a fan fiction book out there that is basically book7. This guy named A.P. Towne wrote a book called Harry Potter and the end of the mark. You can read it for free on www.harrypotterfanclub.com. It was excellent reading but, it does not include details of what deep readers and analyzers want. We want to know what really happened on the lightning struck tower that night. We want to know what was up with the locket and why Dumbledore died the way he did. Why did Snape have a different expression on his face and why did Dumbledore start talking to severus the way he did on the tower it was either a plea or it was telling severus something like please don't do it or please do it. There was a plan. Was Dumbledore afraid of severus or was he asking him to do what Dumbledore wanted. J.K. Rowling did give a major clue that I the first time I read HBP I just looked over it thinking that it wasn't important. When I re read it though I was amazedthat I looked over it. On page405-406(american version) Snape and Dumbledore are arguing over something and Dumbledore wants something done that Snape agreed to do but no longer wants to do. This means that Snape is still listening to Dumbledore and folowing orders because Snaoe did not come out and say no iwon't do it. He is still loyal to dumbledore so why would he later betray Dumbledore? I belive that Dumbledore is dead but I can't be completly positive on it. J.K. said something about Dumbledore not being able to come back like Gandalf did. Well maybe that is exactly what she plans to do? Maybe she realized that people are starting to find out more than she wanted or maybe she accidently put to much information in the book as www.dumbledoreisnotdead.com predicts. Whatever it is nobody can completely prove any of these theories until book 7 comes out.