This is a blog set up for those who have read Half-Blood Prince and want answers to some very important questions that will help explain Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.Potter Analyst bringing you potter news when you want it.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

No DH details yet! + OotP Director

The illustrator for the U.S. Harry books (Mary GrandPre) said that she does not have any details on the DH yet, she has not decided on a cover color yet either but she says that her favorite was OotP cover art. Also David Yates, new director of OotP talks about what drawed him to the movie and about the books.
Mary GrandPre interview: http://theartpodcast.podbean.com/2006/12/14/mary-grandpre-harry-potter-cover-artist/ David Yates interview: http://www.latimes.com/services/site/premium/access-registered.intercept

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